Further to https://dlrcoco.citizenspace.com/transportation/draft-parking-control-bye-laws-2017-1/
I have made the following suggestions, to integrate Electric Vehicles into the car parking bye-laws of my home district:
1. I suggest that provision be made in the bye-laws to handle electric vehicle charging dedicated parking spaces, specifically to prevent other vehicles from using these spaces, and also to compel electric vehicles to move from these spaces when their charging cycle is complete (to enable other vehicles use the charger).
This is in line with National Policy Framework Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport in Ireland (http://www.dttas.ie/sites/default/files/publications/public-transport/english/npf-picture/6186npfalternative-fuelsengv5.pdf ) - see page 85, under "Measures to be implemented by end of 2018": Address the issue of misuse or ‘icing’ of charge point spaces through parking and/or road traffic regulations
2. Regarding payment for parking, it seems that 2 main methods of payment are envisaged for "pay by use": display a ticket, or use Parking Tag. In the case of commercial electric charge operators, it would make it easier for end users if they could pay 1 fee to the electric charger operator, who in turn pay for the parking space + the charging service.
I propose that accommodation be made for such scenarios - this would be in line with the Commission for Regulation of Utilities recent decision to enable commercial electric vehicle charging operators: https://www.cru.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/CRU17283-Decision-paper-on-ESBN-Electric-Vehicle-Pilot-Associated-Assets.pdf